When you're paying for traffic and sending it to a destination, sometimes you want to hide the extra passing variables from the destination. By default, all variables are passed. To hide them, go to the management page for the destination in Tracker.ly, and click the "Variables" button. In this case, I already have two variables renamed on this destination, so the button is in the "on" state:

This brings you to the screen where you manage all the variables for that destination. It is set to pass all variables by default:

To block all variables, just change it to "Block all except specified" and click "Save":

To block some of the variables, you can either tell it to pass all the variables except the ones listed, or to block all the variables except the ones listed. In this example, it's set to pass all variables except for kw:

Once you save it, it will display on the management page for the destination like this, showing the number of variables that are blocked:

Here's a redirect link going to that destination, with the "kw" variable added to it:


If you click on that link you'll end up on a page that shows the variables that were sent, and the "kw" link will not show up: