If you have domains for keyword links on your existing web sites setup in Tracker.ly, they run on your server. That provides the benefit that the links are on the same domain as your web site, but it also means they are outside of our control and changes on your server can affect links. For example, if you were to install Wordpress and turn on permalinks, it will stop your Tracker.ly links from working on that domain, and you will need to repair the domain to fix things.

The most common errors are:

1) No links redirecting:

Your configuration has changed in some way to prevent links from working. A repair should fix it.

2) Domain code not responding:

Your links are working, but the dashboard can't communicate with your website to add or edit links.

One reason for this is a PHP upgrade broke the install. In the versions of the domain code installed after December 21, 2015, we've eliminated that reason. If you're on an older version, a repair will bring you up to the latest version and that problem shouldn't return. 

Another reason could be our IP address is blocked by your server. As of December, 2015, we use an IP address for communicating with your server that hasn't been blacklisted anywhere. (Before that we were on a shared IP for that one function, which came as a surprise to us!) If a repair does not fix this problem, your server may be highly secured. Ask your web host to white-list, and once they do, wait a few minutes to see if that fixes the problem.

Because you can break your links, we monitor all the websites you've setup. Once a day, we do over a dozen different checks to make sure everything is working correctly. If there a problem is detected, we will email you a notice, and the "Domains" menu will go red at the top of the dashboard like this:

If you get an email like that, or see this the "Domains" menu go red, click it and check your domains. One or more of them needs repairing. Clicking the domains menu brings you to the domains wizard, which lists off all your custom domains and shows the date it was added, how many clicks it has ever got, how many redirect links you've made on each domain, and the status of each domain:

Clicking on any domain will take you to the domain's management page, where you can click the button to repair the domain. 

When you click on the repair button it will begin the repair process. You will need your FTP information available and the process will be exactly the same as it was when you first setup the domain with our installer. It will diagnose the problem and fix it if possible. If it cannot, contact us, and we'll help.

From the domains management page, you can also:

Test Domain Now:

Test that your Tracker.ly links are working on the domain.

Visit 404 Page:

View the page that people see if they type in a URL on your site that doesn't exist, and isn't a Tracker.ly redirect link on your domain.

Delete Data:

Delete all the data from all the redirect links on your domain. This cannot be undone, and will also delete all the data sent to the destinations by those redirect links. Only use this if you are removing domains.

Manage X Link(s):

Lists off all the redirect links that are on this domain in the wizard so you can pick one to manage. You can also do this from the search panel.

Edit 404 Page:

Change your 404 page to another one, for example, if you uploaded a new one to your site under a new name. Your 404 page is managed through Tracker.ly once Tracker.ly is installed on your site, and must be working.

Disable Domain:

This will remove the Tracker.ly code from your web site. It will launch the installer. Enter in your FTP information and follow the steps to delete it from your site.

You can change the following settings:

Monitoring On / Off:

This shows you the last time the domain was checked to see if everything is working, and you can turn off monitoring if you have a domain you're not using anymore and is generating errors.

Append Referrer On / Off:

When turned on, whenever someone types in an invalid URL on your site that ends up on the 404 page, we'll append the requested page in the GET variable, "request", like "?request=file". This is for people who have logging on their 404 page to log all the pages that are requested that ended up at the 404 page.

301 / 302 Link Juice:

This sets the default link juice for all NEW redirect links created on this domain.