The reports in the dashboard are extremely configurable to show you specific information. The default view shows you all your marketing of every type, for the past 7 days, sorted by what got the most clicks. From there you can filter it down by any combination of things to see what matters to you, and sort it based on different activities.
To open the search panel, click the "Open Search" button in the header. When open, this button closes the search:
The search panel is divided into five main sections, covered below:
1. View:
At the top of the search panel, the "Reset" button will clear the search back to the default view. Here, you can also select the date range and sort order, which will affect all the rows in each report.
There are several time ranges you can pick from, like last 7 days, last 30 days, this month, last month, last 20 minutes, etc. As soon as you change the range, it will load the results. Since the results in the reports all update live, every 30 seconds, the 20 minutes time range is particular useful if you're doing a live event and giving out links during it.
In particular, the "Custom date to now" date range is great for when you have a launch to show a report starting on your launch date until today. Each day you load the report, it will show it to today's current date. The other "Custom date range" will set the date between any two days in the past. Currently, we do not allow both to be the same day, because of the way we store data. We are looking at improving this in the future.
The sort options allow you to sort the results by obvious things like name and date created, and also by activity in the selected time period, like most clicked, least, clicked, fastest rising, and fastest falling, which all give you great insights into your marketing.
The fastest rising and fastest falling options currently compare the current date range to the past. So, if it is set to the last 7 days, it will compare traffic in the last 7 days to the 7 days prior. In the reports sent weekly by email, the trend reports show the percentage falling and rising, using much more advanced math, looking at just the last 7 days, without comparing them. This is also on our list to improve in the dashboard. So, the takeaway here, is that this only makes sense on small ranges like the last seven days, and makes no sense on all time.
For example, you can change the sort to fastest rising and change the report below to traffic sources (referrer), to see which web pages have been trending up, in sending you more traffic in the last seven days.
2. Text Search:
This is a quick way of searching almost anything in your marketing. In the drop-down you can select what you want to search. For example, you could search for a reference name of a destination or redirect link, or search for all the redirect links and destinations that have traffic coming from a specific traffic source (referrer). Text Search can be used to select redirects or destinations based on either a partial or a full field match of a specified text string. The first control in this section allows you to select the following text areas to search:
Search Redirect Name
Search Destination Name
Search Redirect URL
Search Destination URL
Search Traffic Source URL
Search Keywords
Search Redirect Group
Search Destination Group
Search IP
In addition to selecting the field to be searched, you can specify that your text search should be an “Exact Match” search, or the search can “Include Partial Matches." You can do some pretty powerful searches just with the text search. You can quickly toggle on or off the text search by clicking the "on/off" toggle at the top of the section. (Shown in the off position above.) And you can quickly remove the text search by clicking the trash icon.
3. Marketing Filters:
When creating redirects and destinations, there are extra data you can include for filtering and comparing. The domain names that you setup for creating your redirect links on are also listed here, so you can filter to specific marketing domains, hiding everything else. Along with that, you can filter by countries and visitor IPs. (If you don't see these twp options yet, they are coming soon.)
These filters all work exactly the same. You open them up by clicking the title or arrow on the left, and you will see that you can either include or exclude items from each list. In either case, you can just type into the field the item you want to filter to or exclude, and the auto-complete will show you the matching results to pick from. You can remove items from the list by clicking the small "x" beside each item. As soon as you make each change, the results will update live.
You can also toggle each filter on or off with the on/off toggle for that filter, or toggle all the marketing filters on or off with the on/off toggle beside the "Marketing Filters" heading.
Another way to add items to include or exclude is to pick them by clicking the list button with the three lines to the right of each option:
Which loads this screen, where you can pick multiple items to include or exclude (depending on which list button you clicked). As soon as you click "Apply", they will be added to the filter list and the changes will be applied:
A) Redirect Custom Groups:
The first icon is for your custom redirect link groups so you can can pick one or more groups and only see marketing that is coming through redirect links in those groups. For example, if you had an ebook called "Intro to cat food", and all the outbound links in that book were unique to that ebook, and were put in the groups, "ebooks" and "Ebook: Intro to cat food", you could use this filter to see all the traffic coming from that book, or all the traffic coming from all your books with links in the group "ebook".
B) Marketing Types:
If you enter in the optional tag for marketing types when creating links, you can use this filter to show you all the different links that match whatever marketing types you choose, filtering out all the others, so you could say, "Show me only PPC advertising".
C) Redirect Domains:
As well as other types of links, also creates keywords links on your websites or domains you point to us. By default shows you all your domains together and with this filter, you can show or exclude domains to only show you ones you are interested in for a specific report.
D) Destination Groups:
This lets you pick from your custom destination groups, so you can see only marketing that is going to destinations in those groups. For example, if you gave all of your affiliate links the group "Affiliate Links", you could select that group and see only your affiliate links. Or, if you had a lot of marketing promoting ebooks, and put each destination that is an ebook into a group called "Ebooks", you could use this filter to only see that marketing.
E) Niches:
If you're marketing in multiple niches, when you're adding destinations into, you can assign the destination to a niche. Then, you can use this filter to only show marketing that is going to a specific niche, hiding all the rest.
F) Visitor Countries:
This allows you to show only traffic coming from specific countries, or to filter out traffic coming from specific countries, which are not of interest.
G) Visitor IPs:
This is great for filtering out your own traffic. For example, we have an "Exclude Team" report, which has the IP addresses of myself and everyone else on the team. Before creating a new report, I load this one to remove our extensive testing traffic from the report, then add in whatever extra filters are required from the support. Using the toggle, you can quickly turn on and off this when you are testing, to make sure you're getting the data you expect.
4. Feature Filters:
Feature Filters allow you to select and filter results by checking various features, which can be applied to redirect links or destinations. Each one works differently, according to the feature. Again, you can combine these together, and together with all the other filters and search options, allowing for very specific reports.
A) Redirect Type:
Here you can filter to only show specific types of redirect links. With none checked, you are seeing all. Once you select one or more, you will only see those.
B) Filter By Link Juice:
By default, it shows all links. Links can either be set to 301 where they pass link juice through the links or 302 where they keep it from flowing through. You can view all the links that are
C) Filter By Injections:
You can type in the name of an injection and auto-complete will list all that match, and add multiple injections this way to show all redirect links with one or more of the matching injections set. You can also tell it to show you all redirects that do not have injections setup so you can find ones that you might have missed and want to add injections to.
D) Filter By Scarcity Offers:
You can search for specific scarcity offers their reference names, or by listing all that have expired, or all redirect links that are not part of a scarcity offer.
E) Filter By Split-Tests:
F) Filter By Variables:
You can show only redirect links that have hidden variables appended, or that go to to destinations that have variables setup to be renamed, blocked, or have - or / converted to variables.
G) Filter by Affiliate Logins:
If you assign affiliate logins to affiliate links, you can show all the links that have any assigned, specific ones assigned, or none assigned.
5. Save / Load Reports:
This takes all the above filtering and multiplies the power of it. All of the selections earlier on the search sidebar can be saved and assigned a name. Then at any time you can load the entire set of search configurations by loading that named report. In effect, this can allow you to have many dashboards configured to show various slices of your data, with time frames and search orders and inclusions, exclusions and toggles set for one or many characteristics of your tracking data.
Please see the article on saving reports for more information.